The Real Costs Associated with Having Your Own Therapy Practice

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Have you ever considered the costs ofmaintaining your own private therapy practice? Unfortunately, many newtherapists consider the costs of maintaining their own private practice --after they’ve already made the leap. In this article, we talk about the realcosts associated with maintaining a private therapy practice and providealternatives for therapists who don’t want to pay the costs to maintain theirown office.

Office Space, Technology Costs and Administrative Fees

The cost of maintaining office space can oftenbe prohibitive for new therapists starting out on their own. Important factorsto consider when seeking out a new office space are the location, costs, taxes,fees, zoning regulations, and possibly more depending on the location of your practice.If you’re a new therapist starting out or branching out from a group therapypractice, crunch the numbers in advance before signing on the dotted line andcommitting to a lease or purchase for office space.

Along with office space, another importantcost factor for independent therapists to consider is the costs of computingand networking. Technology costs can include the purchase of a new computer,printer, scanner, furniture, and related office equipment required formaintaining your independent practice. Research the costs of the technologythat you want to use for your office before making a large purchase.

BusinessLicenses and Employment Related Costs

Some cities, states, and municipalitiesrequire one or more licenses to provide private therapy services. Contact yourlocal business licensing authority before committing to any real estatecontracts or purchases related to your private therapy practice. It’s importantto assess the total costs of operating and managing your therapy practice beforeyou’re ready to open for business.

If you’re considering hiring employees,setting up a business bank account and other business-related tasks, thefederal government required that you have a t

Private Practice Benefits

Today’s therapists appreciate the independencethat operating a private therapy practice provides. When you own and operateyour own independent practice, you get to set the rules, policies, officehours, and even pick the wallpaper. These are some of the upsides of owningyour own private therapy practice. In contrast, there are many other fees andprocesses associated with owning and operating a private practice that youshould be aware of before taking the next steps to start an independentpractice.

For example, ask yourself are you adept athandling administrative tasks, or will you need to hire an administrativeassistant to help you get the job done? Business accounting and taxes are veryimportant factors that can make or break your business. Are you good at accountingor will you outsource this task to a third-party? These are all real-lifequestions to ask yourself before making any major moves towards renting orbuying office space and putting out the welcome mat.

New therapists who haven’t had the chance to buildup a robust client roster have to consider the time and costs associated withmarketing your private therapy practice and winning new clients. You have todetermine what your marketing budget is and what methods will fit into yourdesired format. Popular marketing avenues online include blog marketing, socialmedia marketing, and email marketing. If you’re not already skilled atmarketing these are new skills that you will have to learn to ensure thesuccess of your practice.


Along with keeping accurate therapy andappointment notes, there is a great deal of administrative paperwork to managewhen you maintain your own private therapy practice. Some of the forms that youwill need to complete include invoicing and billing forms for clients andvendors, yearly and quarterly income taxes, local zoning and compliancedocuments, therapy licensure documents, and more depending on your location andthe types of therapy services you provide.

In addition to providing face-to-face therapy,another important factor to consider when maintaining a private therapypractice is how you will handle client care. What policies and procedures willyou implement to deal with unhappy clients, those with issues beyond your levelof expertise, or those who are dissatisfied (despite your excellent service)who insist on demanding a refund for services rendered?

A popular alternative to diving head-firstinto opening a private practice for therapy is to join an online therapy group.Popular online therapy providers like BetterHelp provide an out-of-the-boxsolution for new therapists and those looking to expand their practice thatdoesn’t break the bank. A major benefit of joining an online therapy practiceis that the majority of the details discussed here today are handled by theplatform itself.

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